Mango, Orange, & Ginger Smoothie Recipe

If you’ve been looking for a power smoothie, this one is great! It is very healthy for you and actually tastes good! Ingredients: 1 cup orange juice 1/2 mango 1 1/4 tsp ginger juice Couple of ice cubes 1/2 banana (optional) 1 Tbsp of lemon juice (optional) Directions: Put the orange juice, banana, mango, ginger juice,

St. Patrick’s Day Treat & Dessert Ideas

Here are some fun St. Patrick’s Day treat ideas I found! Sometimes you just need to see something cute to get some inspiration 🙂 A lot of these you can make yourself and save money instead of going to the store!  I think these Green Shamrock Whoopie Pies are so fun from Homemade By Holman   These

Cereal Valentine’s Day Gift Idea (“Cereal-ously”)

Here’s a non- candy Valentine’s Day idea for the kids! A little cereal box that has the label saying “You are Cereal-ously a sweetheart, Valentine!” You will need a mini cereal box, scissors, a glue stick, and a printer! Here’s the free printable label above, just right click on it and save it your computer.

Dove Chocolate Bar Valentine’s Day Gift Idea

Here’s a cute idea for a Valentine’s Day gift! A dove chocolate bar with the printable saying “Valentine, you make my heart flutter!” I think this is cute and cheesy since the “flutter” is referring to a dove’s wings while its flying! You will need tape, a scissors, a dove chocolate bar, and a printer!

DIY Wood Pallet Love Sign

Isn’t this sign absolutely adorable!? You can make one by yourself! All you need is a wood pallet (3 boards) nails, black/white paint, painters tape  and twine rope. If you choose a wood pallet, try to get one that has the boards close together instead of the big gap ones. After you have them connected,

Heart Bunny Rabbit Craft For Kids {Valentine’s Day Project}

This is a fun craft for kids! You can make a heart bunny rabbit for a Valentine’s Day art project. You will need red, pink, black and white construction paper, scissors, and glue.  Glue together the big red and pink hearts upside down, this will be the bunny’s body. Then glue a white heart at

Valentine’s Day Heart Caterpillar Craft For Kids

Here’s an easy and cute Valentine’s Day craft for the kids to make. All you need are two different colored pieces of paper, a black sharpie, two googly eyes, scissors, and a glue stick. Cut out three small hot pink hearts, two small peach colored hearts and one big one for the head. Glue the

DIY Birthday Cakes Using Kit Kats (Chocolate Bars)

Lately, I have been seeing more and more of birthday cakes using kitkat chocolate bars! I think they look so awesome and it’s a cheaper alternative than buying a cake from a bakery/grocery store. Here are my favorite kit kat cakes I found! This is a square shaped cake using kitkats, I love the pink

Oreo Valentine’s Day Gift Idea For Kids

I just wanted to share the cutest Valentine’s Day idea I found from MadinCrafts! I know oreo cookies aren’t much better than candy but this is adorable. She made an oreo with the creme showing and the cookie part out of black/white paper. Then she stuck it to a baggy filled with two oreos, and wrote

How to Make Tuxedo Strawberries

If you’ve ever wondered how to make these adorable tuxedo strawberries, here is the instructions on how to do them! They are pretty easy to make after you practice on one or two first. These are normally popular for weddings where you can also make wedding dress strawberries to go with the tuxedos!  I have