My little 3 year old friend started painting a paper plate red and I asked her what she was making. She replied “Sebastian the Crab! from the Little Mermaid”, hehe! I knew it was going to be a challenge but we were going to try! This paper plate crab turned out super cute and she
Paper Plate Crab Craft For Kids
Paper Plate Giraffe Craft For Kids
Paper Plate Pot of Gold Craft For St. Patrick’s Day
Paper Plate Leprechaun Craft For Kids
If you have any extra paper plates, consider making a leprechaun paper plate craft with one! It is very easy to make and the kids love to play with him afterwards. All you need is a white paper plate, orange paint, a black sharpie, scissors, glue, and green/black/yellow construction paper. Start by turning a white
Groundhog Paper Plate Craft For Kids
Here’s a cute craft to do for Groundhogs Day! First you will need a white paper plate flipped over. Paint the entire plate brown and let dry. You will need glue, scissors, 6 toothpicks, 2 googly eyes, a black sharpie, and brown/black/white construction paper. Glue the two ears on from behind of the plate. Add