A Look into My Couponing Stockpile With Pictures

I thought I would share some of my stockpile today from all my couponing adventures! I always love to see other peoples stockpiles just to see how they organize theirs. Mine has A LOT of work to do to get done in that department but i’m pretty proud of what I have!
couponing stockpile for beginners

Here is my inside my garage where we have two black shelves to mostly hold all my paper towel rolls and half my toilet paper. I also have a shelf for my laundry detergents and dryer sheets. There was a huge cleaning supply sale at my local Kroger store so you can see on the right I stocked up on free Clorox bowl toilet cleaners and other random disinfectant sprays.

cereal couponing stockpile
Unfortunately we had to take over our office closet 🙂 It is filled with most of my cereal boxes (my husband goes through cereal SOO fast!) and it’s great because most expiration dates are for next summer! My favorite sale was at Kroger where I got 20 Big G cereal boxes for just $9.80, you can see my post here.
cereal couponing stockpile
We didn’t have much room for these darn cereal boxes so they were stuck on top of our washer and dryer in the laundry room! At least it’s attached to our kitchen 😛 I also got tons of hamburger helpers as well in there.
carrying my 49 cent cereal from my couponing trip
Here’s a picture of my sweet husband carrying all my goodies, gotta love supportive hubbies! 🙂
shaving cream toothbrush couponing stockpile
Ahh, this is my favorite spot in my bathroom. Right under my husbands side of the sink LOL! I got all these Gillette shaving creams for free as well as over 40 toothbrushes and flosses! We definitely won’t run out anytime soon thank goodness! This required printing tons of coupons, cutting, and doing multiple transactions hehe!
toilet paper couponing stockpile
As you saw, I have most my toilet paper in the garage but I surely filled both my bathroom cabinets FULL with angel soft TP! And I am serious, they are almost overflowing.
couponing stockpile in the closet
On the other side of my office closet shelf are my free suddenly salad boxes and fruit snacks, love them! I also have 10 cent hamburger helpers stacked to the back of the wall.
drink couponing stockpile
On the floor is a mess, I admit it. But I get so many soda 2-liters, juices, and gatorades free it’s hard to put them somewhere. I currently live in AZ and do not want to put them in the garage where it’s super hot. To the right on the floor I also have my Palmolive dish soaps that I got for cheap too, I think 50 cents a big bottle. On the second shelf I have over 20 boxes of Kraft Macaroni, some more cereal boxes and some soups.
under kitchen sink couponing stockpile
Moving onto the kitchen, this is under my sink. I am totally stocked up on Finish detergent for my dishwasher as well as sponges (more blue ones in the back) and lysol wipes! It makes me happy not having to run to the store all the time.
Thanks for looking! Leave a comment if you have your own post on your stockpile, I’d love to see it 🙂
Also, check out my friend Katie’s stockpile here! She’s doing great for a beginner!

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  1. That’s envious for me to see. I gotta step more further to do this kind of couponing.

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