Hey guys! So I have been SO behind on doing my freebie posts that the last time I did one was in February! I apologize 🙂 My family is coming to visit and i’ve been trying to clean the house so I THINK this is all I got this month but who knows when people throw things everywhere, right?! Follow my Freebies Page to get cool stuff too!
What I got for free:
- 3 Coupons for free tortillas at Safeway
- Bag of Food Should Taste Good chips
- South Beach Diet Starter kit (3 protein bars, free 4-pack of smoothies and a little bottle of sand)
- Bag of Fiber One fruit snacks
- US Weekly, Oxygen, All You, and Field & Stream Magazines
- Yogurt (Kroger friday download)
- Gardener’s Book
You can view my previous freebies here!
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