Okay, I admit it…I am OBSESSED with chevron infinity scarves! There are so many color combinations that they can go with any outfit. My favorite is to wear a black t-shirt or long sleeve shirt and pair it with a chevron scarf. I found this awesome deal on Amazon today where you can get them for 60-70% off the original prices! 🙂 These are the sheer kind of scarves so don’t think they are going to keep you toasty in the winter, they are mostly for a fashion accessory. These are perfect for Arizona weather! Time to stock up!
Teal/Gray/White Infinity Scarf – $8.45 shipped, Reg $24.99!
Purple/White Infinity Scarf– $9.49 shipped, Reg $24.99!
Black/Gray/White Infinity Scarf– $8.39 shipped, Reg $24.99!
Yellow/Tan/Gray/White Infinity Scarf– $8.39 shipped, Reg $24.99!
There are SO many more colors to choose from such as burgundy, pink, green, plum, mint and more! Just click through to see each price but note that not all of the scarves include free shipping. Let me know if you get one! I bought the teal, gray, and white one 😀
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